

A wireless network used for home, building and industrial control. Designed for low power drain, it is slower than Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.
The width of the narrow bars and spaces in a bar code type; usually measured in mils.
A compliance marking term. Uniform Product Carton Code, a standard administered by the UCC.
A UPC symbol encoding six digits of data in an arrangement that occupies less area than a UPC-A symbol. The UPC-E bar code type is a shortened version of the UPC-A bar code type in which zeroes are suppressed, resulting in codes that require less printing space. Used for labeling small items.
A fixed length, numeric, continuous bar code type used primarily in the retail industry for labeling packages. The UPC-A symbol encodes a number system character, 10 digits of data, and a Mod 10 check digit for error correction.
Universal Product Code. The standard bar code type for retail products in the United States . See also UPC-A and UPC-E.
Thermal Direct
A printing method where dots are selectively heated and cooled and dragged upon heat-sensitive paper. The paper turns dark in the heated areas.
Thermal Transfer
A printing method like thermal direct except a onetime ribbon is used and common paper is used as a supply. This eliminates the problems of fading or changing color inherent in thermal direct printing.
MSI (1 Mod 10)
MSI barcode with a single modulo 10 check digit.
Amount of data that can be stored on an RFID tag's chip. For passive tags, this typically ranges from 64 bits to a few kilobytes. Active tags can generally accommodate more memory than passive tags.
A machine readable symbol system UPS. Used for tracking and managing the shipment of packages. A MaxiCode resembles a barcode, but uses dots arranged in a hexagonal grid instead of bars. Because of its unique design, MaxiCode is often called "Bird's Eye" or "Target." The bull's eye at the center allows MaxiCode symbols to be scanned and read regardless of orientation, even on a package traveling rapidly.
Low Frequency (LF) RFID
RFID over the 125Kz band. Usually used by small, inexpensive products with short read ranges (12 inches or less). Typical uses are security access cards quick payment applications.
Label Gap
The space between adjacent labels on continuous form, die cut supply.
Kill Command
A code within the RFID tag that gets activated once and then permanently disables the tag. Limits tracking of purchased items for privacy protection.
Interleaved 2 of 5
A high density, self-checking, continuous numeric bar code type in which each character is composed of five elements: five bars or five spaces. Of the five elements, two are wide and three are narrow. The bar code is formed by interleaving characters formed with all spaces into characters formed with all bars. Total number of digits must be even.
Horizontal Bar Code
A bar code type presented in such a manner that its overall length dimension is parallel to the horizon. The bars are presented in an array which looks like a picket fence.
Hybrid (semi-active) RFID Tag
Tag that has a small internal power supply, is triggered by a reader. After interrogation, the tag goes back to being passive.

Godex Zebra® Printer Language

Godex Eltron® Printer Language
Computer programming instructions stored permanently in read-only memory. Most Bar Code and RFID readers can be updated to accommodate new protocols by changing the firmware.

The EZPL (EZ Programming Language) is a high-level programming language developed by Godex for their barcode printers.
Features of EZPL are as follows:
1. The data are stored to be processed and will not be printed out until the last printing instruction is received.
2. All the printing contents can be rotated.
3. Images can be downloaded and stored

EPC (Electronic Product Code) is a unique code that can be used in the supply chain to identify a specific single items. EPC stored in radio frequency identification (RFID) tag. Once the EPC has been captured from the tags, it Will be able to link with the dynamic data (such as food items the original source or their production date, etc.)
EAN-13 barcode (originally European Article Number) is a barcoding standard which is a superset of the original 12-digit Universal Product Code (UPC) system developed in the United States.
EAN-8 is a subset of EAN-13 and a superset of UPC
European Article Numbering system. The international standard bar code for retail food packages. The EAN-13 bar code type has 12 data characters, one more data character than the UPC-A code. An EAN-13 symbol contains the same number of bars as the UPC-A but encodes a 13th digit into a parity pattern of the left-hand six digits. This 13th digit, in combination with the 12th digit, represents a country code. The JAN-13 (Japanese Article Numbering system) is a special application of EAN-13.
Dots Per Inch. Used in comparing relative printing resolution of thermal printheads and laser print engines.
Direct Thermal
A printing method where dots are selectively heated and cooled and dragged upon heat-sensitive paper. The paper turns dark in the heated areas.
Data Matrix
Two-dimensional matrix bar code consisting of black and white squares arranged in a square or rectangular pattern. The information to be encoded can be text or raw data. Error correction added to increase symbol strength allow the codes to be read even if they are partially damaged.
Code 39 39码

Code 39码是Intermec公司于1975年推出的一维条码, 39码是一种可供使用者双向扫瞄的分散式条码,也就是说相临两资料码之间,39码必须包含一个不具任何意义的空白(或细白,其逻辑值为0),且 39码具有支援文数字的能力,编码规则简单、误码率低、所能表示字符个数多等特点,39码在各个领域有着极为广泛的应用。目前较主要利用於工业产品、商业资料及医院用的保健资料,它的优点是码数没有强制的限定,可用大写英文字母码,且检查码可忽略不计。我国也制定了相应的39码国家标准(GB12908-91)。

CodaBar 码是一种广泛应用在医疗和图书领域的条码,其字符集为0到9 10个数字、“ABCD”四个字母和“$-:/.+”六个特殊字符,其中“ABCD”仅作为启始符和终止符,并可任意组合。 亦称为USD-4码、NW-7码、2 of 7码,即一种由七大元素(4个线条及3个空格)组成每一字符的数字式码制。其目前应用于诸多领域,如图书馆、医学、包装运输等,是零售业售价标记的应用。
Black Mark 黑标
Bluetooth 蓝牙
蓝牙是一种支持设备短距离通信(一般10m内)的无线电技术。能在包括移动电话、PDA、无线耳机、笔记本电脑、相关外设等众多设备之间进行无线信息交换。利用“蓝牙”技术,能够有效地简化移动通信终端设备之间的通信,也能够成功地简化设备与因特网Internet之间的通信,从而数据传输变得更加迅速高效,为无线通信拓宽道路。蓝牙采用分散式网络结构以及快跳频和短包技术,支持点对点及点对多点通信,工作在全球通用的2.4GHz ISM(即工业、科学、医学)频段。其数据速率为1Mbps。采用时分双工传输方案实现全双工传输。
Barcode 条形码
Asian Font 亚洲字型
ASCII 美国信息交换标准代码
该字符集描述了美国信息交换标准代码。 ASCII是用于信息处理系统、通信系统及相关设备之间的数据交换。
2-D barcode 二维条码

二维条码 (2-dimensional bar code)是用某种特定的几何图形按一定规律在平面(二维方向上)分布的黑白相间的图形记录数据符号信息的;在代码编制上巧妙地利用构成计算机内部逻辑基础的“0”、“1”比特流的概念,使用若干个与二进制相对应的几何形体来表示文字数值信息,通过图象输入设备或光电扫描设备自动识读以实现信息自动处理:它具有条码技术的一些共性:每种码制有其特定的字符集;每个字符占有一定的宽度;具有一定的校验功能等。同时还具有对不同行的信息自动识别功能、及处理图形旋转变化等特点。       

Scale Printer
Scale printer can print thermal tickets or thermal labels as industrial pre-packing application.
Distributed middleware designed by the Auto-ID Center to filter data from EPC readers and pass it on to enterprise systems.
wo way wireless protocol that uses Long Wave (LW) magnetic signals to send and receive data packets in a local regional network. Similar to WiFi and Bluetooth, but RuBee uses a lower frequency, slower carrier. RuBee, however offers low power consumption and operates near steel and water, making it practical for sensors, controls, or actuators and indicators.

A common communication interface standard that permits DTEs and DCEs to connect successfully.
RTLS (Real Time Location System)
Also called Real Time Locating Systems, RTLS tracks and identifies the location of objects in real time using badges or tags attached to or embedded in objects. 

Pilots that indicate a good return on investment (ROI) are then put into expanded deployment. This benefits the testing company and the RFID industry as a whole.
A plastic tape with several layers of material, one of which is thermal wax, that when melted, produces the visible marks on the labels installed on a thermal transfer printer.
RFID Pilot
Test for new RFID solutions. Pilots might be run by companies to help meet mandate requirements or to test new applications of RFID technologies.
Radio Frequency Identification. A method of uniquely identifying items by transmitting and receiving electromagnetic (radio) waves.
RF (Radio Frequency) network
A technology that connects devices using electromagnetic waves instead of physical cabling.
The narrowest element dimension which can be recognized by a particular scanning device or printed with a particular device or method.
A bar code verification term. The ratio of the amount of light which is reflected back from the white spaces of a bar code during scanning to the amount of light reflected under similar illumination conditions.
Hardware that communicates with RFID tags. A reader has one or more antennas attached to it which emit radio waves and receive signals back from the tags. Many readers have the ability to write data as well as read data. See Interrogator.
Tags that can store and use new information. Can be changed many times by a reader.
Data stored in read-only RFID tags cannot be changed by a reader.
Read Rate

Bar codes: A bar code verification term. The ratio of the number of successful reads to the total number of attempts.
RFID: Indicates the number of tags that can be read within a given length of time. Read rate is also used as the maximum rate at which data can be read from a tag.

Read Range
Distance from which a reader can communicate with a tag. Factors that affect the read range of a passive tag include frequency, reader power and antenna design.
Quick Response. A retail industry initiative to improve inventory turnaround through the use of EDI, bar code scanning, and the sharing of merchandise movement data with vendors.
Quiet zone
A clear space, containing no machine readable marks, which precedes the start character of a bar code field and follows the stop characters. Sometimes called the "clear area."
A label printing software application written by Godex that is provided for use with Godex printers.
Print Quality
A bar code verification term. The measure of compliance of a bar code symbol to the requirements of dimensional tolerance, edge roughness, spots, voids, reflectance, PCS, quiet zone, and encodation.
Postnet Code
A bar code symbology used primarily by the U.S. Postal Service for mail sortation. All bars and spaces are the same width. ZIP Code information is encoded into the particular arrangement of tall and short bars.
A door or other point in a facility surrounded by fixed RFID readers to identify and track the flow of product. Dock doors are a typical example.
Price Look-Up. In a retail POS (Point Of Sale) system, the UPC bar code field is a key field in a price file that when scanned, retrieves a price for the encoded item.
Picket Fence
A bar code type whose length is printed horizontally so that the bars are presented in an array which looks like a picket fence.
Portable Data File 417 is a two-dimensional bar code developed by Symbol Technologies, Inc. It is the most widely used 2D bar code (more than one row of codes) and it can hold up to 1,800 bytes of any digital data in an area the size of a business card.
ZSoft Paintbrush bitmap graphics file format.
A bar code verification term. Print contrast signal. A measurement of the ratio of the reflectivity between the bars and spaces of a bar code field, commonly expressed in percent.
Passive Tags
An RFID that does not have its own transmitter and power source. The energy required to run the tag's circuitry is obtained from the radio waves emanated by the reader.
The bars and spaces representing the start, stop, function codes and check characters required by some symbologies. These increase the length of the bar code but do not affect the message content.
Two possible bar code field orientations are horizontal with vertical bars and spaces (picket fence) and vertical with horizontal bars and spaces (ladder).
Optional User Memory
Added memory available on a tag that can be used by any member along the supply chain. Can be used for routing information or other applications to increase tracking efficiency.
Optical Throw
The minimum distance a bar code can be away from a scanner and still be read.
A bar code verification term. 1).The optical property of a substrate material that measures the show through from the back side or the next sheet. 2).The ratio of the reflectance with a black backing to the reflectance with a white backing. 3).Ink opacity is the property of an ink that prevents the substrate from showing through.
On Demand
A printing mode where one label at a time is printed. The label is presented to the operator, separated from the backing paper. When the label is taken from the printer, the next label is printed and presented. Also known as Demand mode.
Open Database Connectivity.
Optical Character Recognition. Technology for machine reading of human readable text.
A bar code verification term. The exact (or ideal) intended value for a specified parameter. Tolerances are specified as positive and negative deviations from this value.
NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology),  is a non-regulatory federal agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Net Data Density
A bar code verification term. The net data density of a linear bar code symbol is determined by dividing the number of characters in the symbol by the overall symbol length, measured from the leading edge of the start code to the trailing edge.
A bar code verification term. Unit of measure used to define the wavelength of light.
1D barcode 一维条码